The Last 5 Years
Student Directed Studio Musical
Cast Cathy: Nina Bertuca, Jamie: Samantha Rotar
Crew Filming/Video Production: Emerson Neczek, Alec Palmari
Costumes: Maeve Condon
Music Piano: Stephen Uhl
Guitar/Bass/Percussion/Accordion: Mickey O’Brien
Mixing/Sound Production: Mickey O’Brien
Music Director: Mickey O’Brien
Production Staff Director/Producer: Mickey O’Brien
Director’s Note Over a year ago, I was selected to direct a one act student studio production. It was originally planned to be presented in Rider Hall, August 2020. As we all know, we had to go into lockdown during March 2020. With a raging Pandemic, the student studio was not able to be presented and we kept having to put it off. It looked as though it was not going to happen. Around March 2021, I was doing research on different shows when I came across The Last Five Years by Jason Robert Brown. It was a two person one act musical that was about two young individuals experiencing a 5 year relationship together and the things that happened during that time. I thought it was a very poignant take on how two young artists can grow and experience life, for better or for worse. After consulting Mr. Kaetzer said if I directed and produced the show as a movie musical around one hour, I could put it on the website. I only had a month and a half to cast, rehearse, record, film, and edit the show. Challenge accepted. Something really important to note about this show is how it progresses. The songs are all solos except for two duets in the middle and at the end of the show. These songs show Cathy and Jamie at different parts of their life/relationship. Cathy’s songs start from the end of their relationship and conclude at the beginning. This contrasts with Jamie’s songs, which start at the beginning of their relationship and progresses naturally. I interpreted this decision as a metaphor for how the two were never really on the same page. This last month and a half has been challenging, but has also served as a rewarding learning experience. Not only as a director, but as a musician, producer. sound engineer, and human being. I am thankful to have worked with two wonderful young women who worked very hard on learning all of the music, and giving their all with acting and filming. It’s also been incredible to have worked with an incredible duo of videographers, who were able to bring my vision into a wonderful visual reality. We were fortunate to have a wonderful costume crew head who helped give our characters that final touch of life, and a wonderful pianist to create a complete orchestra. We are so excited to show you what we’ve worked so hard on for the last month and a half. I hope you all enjoy this production of The Last Five Years.
-Mickey O’Brien
view the playbill here